AS/EN/JISQ9100:2009 (Rev C) and ISO 9001:2008
Federal Firearms License Class 07
Certified Women-Owned Business
Member of Western Mass NTMA
Member of Greater Easthampton Chamber of Commerce
Rock Valley Tool is committed to satisfying its internal and external interested parties including customers. Rock Valley Tool shall achieve this with continual improvement of it’s Quality Management System, Product, Processes, Value and Customer Service.
Employees are encouraged to develop to their full potential while management provides a safe and desirable work environment. Our employees are well trained and are conscientious about the product that they make.
With each shipment, Rock Valley Tool requires mill certification to the required material specification. The material will not be accepted without the required certs with the materials lot# identified. None of the materials used can be conflict minerals or counterfeit materials. Also please review for additional requirements such as Rohs, mercury free, etc.
With each shipment, Rock Valley Tool requires a Certificate of Conformance and if necessary the material mill cert and any outside process certifications. The product will not be accepted without the required certs. None of the materials in the product can be conflict minerals or counterfeit materials. Also please review for additional requirements such as Rohs, mercury free, etc.
With each shipment, Rock Valley Tool requires a Process Certificate of Conformance to the specification on the P.O. The product will not be accepted without the required certs.
Supplier agrees to provide us timely written notice of his/her inability to maintain the shipment schedule.
Unless specific instructions are required, product shipped to Rock Valley Tool must be delivered, packaged and preserved to prevent damage.
If called out on the P.O., a 1st article is required for prototype and first production run
It is the supplier’s responsibility to identify and verify articles, components and/or material being capable of quality degradation with age and shall include shelf life data with each shipment as it relates to the completed articles. Shelf life shall be more then 90% as received by Rock Valley Tool.
Suppliers shall not submit a previously rejected article(s) for re-approval without documentation stating the article(s) was previously rejected by Rock Valley Tool and is being resubmitted for approval.